About AV Publications
AV Publications is devoted to giving glory to “the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13) and to glorifying “the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2 Tim 3:15). Psalm 138:2 says, “thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”
We hope to help Christians by making available books, tracts, videos, and audio presentations, which prove the purity of the King James Bible.
We also expose “many, which corrupt the word of God” (2 Cor. 2:17), such as the ESV, NIV, NKJV, LSB, CSB, NASB, Message, and all other modern versions. The materials AV Publications offers, help Christians see the facts for themselves, avoid deception, strengthen their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and understand the scriptures (Acts 17:11).
Although we carry materials from numerous authors, the most timely, exhaustive, and riveting were written by G.A. Riplinger.

About Our Bestselling Author
G.A. Riplinger is a born again Christian, who received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour while in college in 1976. Later, while a Professor at Kent State University, several students expressed serious confusion, caused by new Bible versions. This prompted a life-long, full-time collation of the scriptures in English and other languages.
The author’s academic foundation includes a B.A., M.A., and an M.F.A. degree in Industrial and Environmental Design, with additional postgraduate study in acoustics, facilities planning, architecture, and site planning at Harvard and Cornell Universities, in addition to receiving the honorary Doctorate of Divinity and Doctorate of Humanities from two colleges for published research in Biblical linguistics and textual history.
As a tenured university professor, Riplinger taught seventeen different courses, authored six college level design and architecture textbooks, served as alternating department chair, held graduate faculty status, was selected for the Honor Society’s teaching award and membership in a national Education Honorary and was in several editions of Who’s Who. The author was cited in two different recent architecture books for writing a series of published textbooks on architectural planning. The world’s leading engineering and architecture school, the German University Technische Universitat Dresden, in their books Planungs- und Entwurfsmethoden in der Architektur, (Planning and Design Methods in Architecture, Dresden 2000) and Planungsmethoden in der Architektur (Planning Methodology in Architecture, 2004), list the author among the top thirty-three “scholars” worldwide, during a twenty year period, who “are/were active in this field of research in non-German-speaking countries” doing “scientific studies about planning and design methods in architecture,” researching and publishing books which contribute to now “worldwide recognized planning methods.”
The seventh textbook, New Age Bible Versions, was the product of a six year collation comparing Greek, Hebrew, and English editions of the scriptures, their history and semantic sense. It is an international best seller (over 280,000 sold) and has been used as a textbook in scores of Christian colleges, such as Pensacola Christian College. Permission has been requested and granted to publish and translate the book into Korean, Japanese, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Vietnamese, and portions in several European languages.
Three years teaching English as a second language to students who spoke Greek, Japanese, Spanish, and other languages provided the foundation for the eighth textbook, The Language of the King James Bible.
Steps “ordered by the Lord” in a number of directions found their destination in the ninth textbook, In Awe of Thy Word, a 1,200 page analysis of the linguistic elements and historical development of the English Bible. It developed as a result of a lifelong study of language and cognitive behavior, that is, how the mind perceives, receives, and retrieves information, particularly words and their semantic sense. An interest in language and how words are understood was sown in childhood by a private Latin tutor. Coursework and experience in how learning takes place began formally some fifty years ago while taking college courses in the field of education and later teaching classes to pre-reading children.
Other helpful training included coursework in sound at Harvard University, a minor in history and art history (with research in the migration of symbols), and coursework in advertising (with research in semantics). Some years ago, a serious investigation into the cognitive processes blossomed into a college textbook on the design process and cognitive behavior (accepted for publication by Prentice Hall), participation in an award winning design of a hospital for cognitively impaired children, and an invitation by President Reagan’s Citizens Ambassador Program to join a team of U.S. doctors and architects to share research abroad.
Squeezing in an M.A. along the way, with coursework in consumer problems, set the stage for a continuing investigation into what appears to be questionable practices and claims by new versions (e.g. the NKJV’s publisher was fined for fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission). Appearances on many television and radio programs resulted in the worldwide circulation of nearly a million copies of the author’s various publications. One radio series, entitled Which Bible Is God’s Word, was published in English (over 250,000 sold) and Korean.
More recently Riplinger founded the Holy Bible Society and Pure Bible Press (purebiblepress.com) to find, collate, and publish pure scriptures in all languages. The author’s personal, in depth collations include forerunners of the English Bible, such as the ancient Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, and Old, Middle, and Modern English scriptures, as well as many ancient (and modern) Greek and Hebrew editions. Research time has been more recently spent collating such scriptures as the Latin, Syriac (modern), Swahili, Spanish, French, Tamil, Arabic, Farsi, Chinese, Thado-Kuki, Japanese, Punjabi, Russian, Pashto, and Miskito. Samples of results can be seen at purebiblepress.com. The author is pleased to have been involved with the publication of pure scriptures in Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Urdu, Hindi, and Telugu, as well as being a consultant to numerous Bible publishers and translators of the scriptures in foreign languages.
The Prologue to the exquisite 400th Anniversary edition of the King James Bible, published by Local Church Bible Publishers, was taken from Riplinger’s recent book, The Hidden History of the English Scriptures.
A recent textbook, now used in numerous Christian colleges, is the 1,200 page hardback, Hazardous Materials: Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers, the Voice of Strangers, the sequel to New Age Bible Versions.
The author’s latest release is The Dictionary Inside the King James Bible. It is a compilation of 2,000 Bible words along with their definitions given by the Bible itself.
In 2022 the international bestseller, New Age Bible Versions, was thoroughly updated, evaluating more recent corrupt versions and showing how all of them have degraded the church. The bad results of their changes are coming more clearly in focus.
The web site avpublications.com continues to publish all of these materials supporting our beloved King James Bible.
Riplinger’s books conclude that this lifelong study of how words are received and perceived finds its only destination in Jesus Christ and his word. What miles of library books, which must turn to dust, cannot divulge, God’s Holy Bible reveals.
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Gal. 6:14.
He saved us from wrath, made straight our path, and surely he hath chosen the “foolish things of the world to confound the wise”…“that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” Gal. 6:14, 1 Cor. 1:27- 31, 2:5