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We hope to help Christians by making available King James Bibles and scripture items, as well as hundreds of books, tracts, DVDs, audio CDs lectures, PowerPoints, and CD-Roms, which prove the purity of the King James Bible that people can easily purchase in our shop.
- The products also expose “many, which corrupt the word of God” (2 Cor. 2:17), such as the ESV, NIV, NKJV, LSB, CSB, NASB, Message, Living and all other modern versions.
- Although we carry materials from numerous authors, the bestselling, most timely, exhaustive, and riveting were written by G.A. Riplinger.
- The materials offered help Christians see the facts for themselves, avoid deception, strengthen their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and understand the Bible (Acts 17:11).

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Showing 1–30 of 114 results
New Age Bible Versions | Updated and Expanded 2022 Edition
$12.95 – $19.95 -
The Dictionary Inside the King James Bible
$14.95 – $24.95 -
In Awe of Thy Word: Understanding the King James Bible, Its Mystery & History, Letter By Letter
$29.95 – $49.95 -
Hazardous Materials: Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers, The Voice of Strangers, Burning Bibles Word by Word
$19.95 – $35.95 -
The Language of the King James Bible
$14.95 – $19.95 -
King James and His Translators
$5.95 – $10.95 -
The Hidden History of the English Scriptures
$5.95 – $12.95 -
Which Bible is God’s Word?
$14.95 – $19.95 -
Blind Guides: Answering the Critics
$8.95 – $16.95 -
All 4 Riplinger Bestsellers
Original price was: $99.80.$89.95Current price is: $89.95. -
2 Riplinger Bestsellers + FREE Niteline DVD
Original price was: $84.90.$59.90Current price is: $59.90. -
TBS Cambridge Large Print, Leather KJV Bible
Original price was: $105.95.$99.95Current price is: $99.95. -
TBS Cambridge Standard Print, Leather KJV Bible
Original price was: $80.95.$69.95Current price is: $69.95. -
TBS Cambridge Standard Print, Two Tone KJV Bible
Original price was: $45.95.$39.95Current price is: $39.95. -
TBS Cambridge Text, Standard Print, Hardcover KJV Bible
$15.95 -
1602P Spanish Synthetic
$34.95 -
A Photographic Reproduction of the 1611 KJV (CD-ROM)
$19.95 -
A.V. Publications Catalogue
$1.25 -
Action Sixties DVD
$24.95 -
Ankerberg’s Fiasco AUDIO
$8.95 – $12.95 -
Ask for the Old Paths by Bryn Riplinger Shutt
$19.95 -
Audio Lectures about In Awe of Thy Word (4 hours)
$19.95 – $29.95