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Test your Bible:
New Age Bible Versions 2022 Updated and Expanded
G.A. Riplinger
- Now completely UPDATED and EXPANDED for 2022
- International best-selling book, nearly 300,000 sold; translated into 12 languages
- Proves the perfection of the King James Bible
- Demonstrates the corruption of all modern versions, including the ESV, NIV, NKJV, Legacy Standard, Amplified, Message, NRSV, NAB, REB, RSV, CEV, TEV, NET, GNB, Living, Phillips, New Jerusalem, and New Century, etc.
- Documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age movement’s One World Religion.
The Dictionary Inside the King James Bible
G.A. Riplinger
The Bible has its own ‘built-in’ dictionary defined with God’s synonyms within the context.
- Use this dictionary as you would a regular dictionary; 2,000 words are alphabetized A-Z.
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In Awe of Thy Word: Understanding the King James Bible, Its Mystery & History, Letter By Letter
G.A. Riplinger
- Two books in one!
- 1,200 page, color-coded hardback
- The first and only documented history of the words of the Holy Bible.
- See that only the KJV matches the pure scriptures preserved “to all generations” and “to all nations,”
- See research based on word-for-word and letter-by-letter analysis of a vault of ancient, rare and valuable Bibles. Ten thousand hours of collation rescued echoes from these documents almost dissolved by time.
- See the letters and sounds, shown in red, which bind the words of each successive Bible from the first century Gothic, to the Anglo-Saxon, and then to the pre-Wycliffe, Tyndale, Coverdale, Great, Geneva, and Bishops’, then to the King James Bible.
- See the KJV translators’ newly discovered notes and the Bible study secrets of history’s great translators and
martyrs. - Find out how only the King James Bible teaches and comforts through its “miraculous” mathematically ordered
sounds. - Meet the KJB’s built-in English teacher, ministering to children and over a billion people around the globe, can learn English by reading this Bible, with its built-in definitions.
- Watch in horror as the destroyer, through the NKJV, NIV, ESV, HCSB, and NASB, teams up with Jehovah Witness and Catholic versions to silence the utterances of the Holy Ghost.
Hazardous Materials: Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers, The Voice of Strangers, Burning Bibles Word by Word
G.A. Riplinger
- Sequel to the bestseller, New Age Bible Versions.
- 1,200 page encyclopedic hardback, 5 volumes in one!
- Reveals the sinister source of words in new bible versions
- Proves the inspiration of the King James Bible
- This book will bring Greek and Hebrew study out of the closet for the first time.
- Tumbling out come the starving skeletons of the authors of Greek and Hebrew study tools, lexicons and editions, the sordid sources from which new versions, such as the NKJV, ESV, NIV, NASB, and HCSB take their corrupt words.
- These are the very same study ‘aids’ which kill a sermon or Bible study when used to ‘define’ a word in the Holy Bible or pretend ‘That word in Greek is…’, ‘That word means…’, or ‘The originals say…’.
- Exposed are:
- Strong’s Concordance
- Bible Dictionaries by Vine and Zodhiates
- Word Studies by Vincent, Wuest and Trench
- Hebrew-English Dictionaries by Brown, Driver, and Briggs
- Greek-English Dictionaries by Moulton, Thayer, Danker and Liddell
- Greek and Hebrew texts by Metzger, Aland, Scrivener, Berry,Ginsburg, Green, Robinson, and Hodges
- And all Greek and Hebrew Study Tools and Interlinears
You may not recognize their names, but their filthy footprints print the pages of the new versions.
Available in book (hard copy) and eBook (digital download) formats!
King James and His Translators By Letter
G.A. Riplinger
- Expands beyond King James Unjustly Accused by Costen
- This book is a chapter drawn from the classic In Awe of Thy Word. It documents that King James was a godly Christian who sought the salvation of his family and subjects and consequently has been ‘Unjustly Accused,’ as are many who promote the word of God.
- It retraces the steps which brought about the Authorized Version.
- The special qualities of each of the King’s translators are presented.
The Hidden History of the English Scriptures Given by Inspiration to All Generations
G.A. Riplinger
- The English Bible is traced from Acts 2 to you.
- This booklet distils the cream from the history sections of In Awe of Thy
Word and adds newly found historic quotes, which make one rethink the
‘Greek-only’ originals for the New Testament. - It answers the question, ‘Where was the Bible before the KJB?’
Blind Guides: Answering the Critics
G.A. Riplinger
- Riplinger’s detailed and scholarly
responses remain unanswerable by
skeptics like James White, Hunt, Cloud,
Hanagraaff, House, Morey, Passantino,
Robert Thomas of Master’s Seminary
and S.E. Schnaeter of Bob Jones
University. - How many others, beside David Cloud, finally admit they never read.
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Which Bible is God’s Word?
G.A. Riplinger
- Answers 44 of the most asked questions about the Bible version issue.
- Also available as an audio book.
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The Language of the King James Bible
Gail Riplinger
- The Language of the King James Bible by Gail Riplinger
- Harvard University concludes, “The Authorized Version [King
James Bible] emerges from comparison with twentieth-century versions as more attractive and more accurate” (p. 135). Find out why. - Discover its transparent view of the originals, its legal language, its exclusive ease of memorization, its sound symbolism, and its internationally recognized spelling and vocabulary, as well as its mirror image of the oldest New Testament fragment.
- See why the dead-drunk Dead Sea scroll ‘Bible’ was ‘under the influence’