Sealed by the King: Intricate Patterns and Details Pointing to God’s Inspiration over the 1611 Holy Bible in English
Brandon Peterson
A peak at the myriad of glories shown clearly in this book:
The most influential and printed book in history is the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version. Little did we suspect that the name of Jesus Christ is signed and sealed into that same book in ways that no man could have ever conceived.
This detailed collection of notes displays the glories of the word of God.
Did you know… Moses + Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the KJB? (Excluding antimentions such as false Christs) (Detailed on p. 70)
Did you know… Father + Son = 7 mentions in Revelation, 7×7×7 mentions in the Gospels, and 70×7 mentions in the entire Bible? (Excluding antimentions such as Father Abraham) (Detailed on pp. 88-94)
Did you know… Jesus Christ is mentioned 7 times in Revelation and T7×7 times in the entire Bible?
What is T7×7, you ask?
T7×7 = (7×1)+(7×2)+(7×3)+(7×4)+(7×5)+(7×6)+(7×7)
When you write it out line by line, it forms a perfect triangle with seven sevens on each side.
Like this…
7 +
7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = Total mentions of Jesus Christ in the KJB (Detailed on p.96)
Perhaps such a notion- that an English Bible could be perfectly inspired by God- would be laughed off if 4 or 5 of these "miracles" were presented as isolated incidents without any corroborating evidence.
The sheer magnitude and magnificence of patterns found in the KJB, and detailed in this book, overwhelmingly stomps "random chance" to the ground.
The question is not "if" these things were directed by the supernatural mind of God. The questions are “where…? when…? why...? how…?”
Here are a few titles / summarizations of the notes that are detailed within:
- The 777 Code of Matthew 1:1
- The 777 First and Last Words of the Bible ("In" Gen 1:1 / "Amen" Rev 22:21) in Genesis & Revelation.
- GodDirectly Speaking 7×7×7 words in Genesis 1, and 7×7 words in Matthew 1
- The Father + The Word+ Holy Ghost (1 John 5:7) = 777 mentions
- God+ Jesus + Holy Spirit = 777+777+777 mentions in the New Testament
- Moses+ Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the verse text of the Entire Bible
- The #777 mention of Jesus is in the same verse as the #77 mention of Holy Ghost
- Jesus + Christ = 777+777 appearances in the Bible
- And many, many more
Large appendices are also included at the end, featuring:
- A timeline of when these miracles first appeared in the text of the KJB(Not all of them were present in 1611)
- Complete verse and word counts for every book and chapter in the King James Bible
- A verse comparison displaying corruptions in modern Bibles (including the NKJV)