I Can Read My Bible by Georgel La More
I HAVE dreamed that someone would re-introduce the time-tested, old fashioned, and God-blessed method of teaching reading, using ONLY the King James Bible. It worked for Abraham Lincoln and the founding fathers.
FINALLY, a King James Bible-based phonics reading textbook on CD-ROM has been created by solid educator and Bible believer, Georgel La More of Canada.
The curriculum is perfect for homeschool and Christian school.
It is ideal for teaching English as a second language, both on the mission field and to those immigrating to America.
Adults who need to sharpen their reading skills will find this program a God-send. Although it is designed for beginning readers, it works well for remedial work, as well.
Use it as an evangelistic tool.
It is available on CD-ROM and pages can be printed out as needed or viewed on the computer.
THE CD-ROM or eBook includes 62 lessons, using the King James Bible, that will quickly take anyone from being a non-reader to being a fluent reader. Knowledge and memorization of the scriptures is a bonus!
It includes complete instructions and advice for the teacher.
Alphabet flash cards are also available from the La Mores.
FOR more than thirty-five years Mrs. La More has taught children to read, beginning with the three daughters that the Lord gave to her and her husband. Now grandparents of seventeen grandchildren, the La Mores are seeing the rewards in the next generation. Her husband, Dr. La More is the author of many books defending the KJB.
I wish this had been available when I homeschooled my daughter!
IT can be used to bring the world to Christ, if it is used as a vehicle to teach ‘English’ to a world that is begging to learn to read and speak English. Order a copy for any missionary you know or for anyone pastoring a non-English-speaking church.