Seeing the original KJV’s readings proves to cynics that the KJV’s text has never been “revised” and is identical to that used today (except for its font style, orthography, spelling varieties to justify (even out) columns, and the rare 1611 typographical slips which were shortly thereafter fixed by King James Bible translators themselves. Contains both the Old and New Testaments
The original two different settings of the 1611 had many typos. They are not the final authority. In that era, type was set by hand, one letter at a time, upside down and backwards. Glasses had not been invented yet. Windows were small and their embrasures were very thick, so little light came in. Candles were used for light, as well as oil. All in all, given natural human error, typos were introduced in those 1611 settings. The KJB translators began immediately to correct them in 1612 and 1613. They continued throughout their lives to correct typos. In 1629 and1637 they made definitive editions.
Using the Cambridge edition, which is available from and cited in the article The Settings of the King James Bible, is your best choice.